[A Definitive Reply To Evolutionist Propaganda] A Definitive Reply To Evolutionist Propaganda
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The deception that therapsids are transiitional forms The deception that 'there are tons of transitional fossils and that dinosaur species represent transitional fossils'
We challenge Dawkins to a discussion before the public Scientific American’s 15 errors
The invalidity of the claim that the idea that whales evolved from bears did not originate with Darwin [The invalidity of the claim that there is chaos in the universe and the world] The invalidity of the claim that there is chaos in the universe and the world
The invalidity of the claim that bacterial resistance to antibiotics is evidence of evolution The invalidity of the claim that mutations miraculously give rise to evolution
The invalidity of the claims that the eye is not an irreducibly complex structure and that the eye evolved Important subjects that were never mentioned on the program 'Siyaset Meydani' (political arena)
The transition to bipedalism deception Yet another blow to the myth of vestigial organs
Obstacles to transition from water to land Darwinists have also failed to deceive people over the Neanderthals
The deception that there was no oxygen in the primeval atmosphere The widening genetic gap
Darwinists misrepresentations about human genome project Important developments regarding Flores man
A reply to Andya Primanda A whale fantasy from National Geographic
National Geographic's Darwin error Scientific responses to Celal Sengor's demagogic claims
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Darwinists' ''Artificial Life'' Deception Darwinists' claims that Darwinism's saying 'we come from apes' is an oversimplification
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Dawkins has taken the bait Dawkins is aware that he was defeated; He is presenting excuses not to meet with Mr. Adnan Oktar
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Important subjects that were never mentioned on the program 'Siyaset Meydani' (political arena) Important supplementary information
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Mosaic evolution deceit National Geographic's Darwin error
New fossil discovery sinks evolutionary theories Nightmare of Dawkins
Obstacles to transition from water to land Photos of Dawkins while researching on animal world!
Pikaia is a perfect Cambrian living thing. Claiming that it is a transitional form fossil is a deception 'Piltdown man' was a hoax
Present-day Darwinists are making the same error as that of pharaoh in the past Protein cannot form unless the cell exists as an integral whole
Quantum physics: The Discovery that scientifically demolished materialism Random mutations destroy life and cannot produce mutually compatible organs
Richard Dawkins' and daily Hürriyet's ignorance Richard Dawkins is wising up!
Scientific American’s 15 errors Scientific responses to Celal Sengor's demagogic claims
Scientists are embarrassed by the Ida circus Some advice for Min0e G. Kırıkkanat
Stop lying! The angels were not created through evolution
The attempt to equate Islam with evolution is a passive, helpless, defeatist and meaningless one The bans that cannot be breached in universities
The claim that archaeopteryx is the ancestor of birds is a deception The claim that 'Australopithecus is the ancestor of man' is fraudulent
The claim that ''natural selection causes evolution'' is a fraudulent one The claim that 'natural selection makes conscious selection' is one of the worst frauds in history
The claim that 'Neanderthals are the ape-like ancestors of man' is fraudulent The coelacanth that evolutionists claim as a transitional form is living in the seas as a perfect life form
The concealment of Cambrian fossils for 70 years is a deception The Darwinist deception of ''The number of chromosomes declined from 48 to 46''
The Darwinist dictatorship is collapsing! The Darwinist techniques of clamor and demagoguery
The deceit that photosynthetic bacteria emerged with 'a small evolution' and produced oxygen The deceit that the human ability to think is the same as that of other living things
The deception regarding mutations The deception that therapsids are transiitional forms
The deception that 'there are tons of transitional fossils and that dinosaur species represent transitional fossils' The deception that there was no oxygen in the primeval atmosphere
The end of the Darwinist dictatorship: the second coming of Jesus (pbuh) has come close The error of seeking to depict the harmony on earth as disorder
The evolutionary myth, from ancient Greece to modern Europe The evolution deceit
The evolutionist claim of a transition from water to land is a lie, Tiktaalik Roseae: Another missing link myth The evolutionist tradition of concealing fossils
The evolutionist tradition of concealing fossils general / 2008-08-30 The evolution of the horse series is a fraud
The fall of atheism The five essential conditions for protein formation
The fossil record refutes evolution The fundamental philosophy of atheist freemasonry: Darwinism -1-
The glorious irreducible complexity in the synthesis of a single protein The guardian: Darwinism in Britain has collapsed!
The idea that Darwin made an important scientific discovery after his voyages is a deception The idea that 'mutations cause evolution' is a falsehood
The idea that the 'coelacanth is an example of the transition from sea to land' is a fraud The ignored sickness: An unpredictable state of mind
The images visualized and dreams The importance of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism
The invalidity of the claims that the eye is not an irreducibly complex structure and that the eye evolved The invalidity of the claim that bacterial resistance to antibiotics is evidence of evolution
The invalidity of the claim that man's ancestors lived in caves The invalidity of the claim that mutations miraculously give rise to evolution
The invalidity of the claim that new species evolve every year The invalidity of the claim that the idea that whales evolved from bears did not originate with Darwin
[The invalidity of the claim that there is chaos in the universe and the world] The invalidity of the claim that there is chaos in the universe and the world The latest Darwinist manoeuvrings are of no avail as objections to Darwinism in Britain rise
The myth of bird evolution The origins of superstitious religion of Darwinism
The pitiful Darwinists who imagine the newly discovered fossil Anchiornis Huxleyi to be a transitional fossil The question Darwinism and materialism will never be able to answer: what is the origin of life?
The real face of Charles Darwin who is introduced to the public as a 'scientist' The Repairer DNA Precludes Evolutionists' Mutation Scenarios
The scientific collapse of materialism The theory of evolution: a unique deception in the history of the world
The transition to bipedalism deception The true facts about the fictitious 'missing link' Ida that Darwinists never mention
The truth that Darwinist bus posters confess: Darwinism = Atheism The Vatican conference is anti-democratic
The Vatican has surrendered to Darwinists The vestigial organ deception has once again been refuted by scientists
The wave-like properties of the electron and the scientific proof The widening genetic gap
Those who ascribe equals to Allah will encounter the horror in their minds in the hereafter To be dedicated to Dawkins
Unable to Account for a Single Protein, Darwinists Now Place Their Hopes in Fossilized Footprints USA - Slate Magazine: Meet Harun Yahya : the leading creationist in the Muslim world
USA - The Boston Globe: In the Muslim world, creationism is on the rise We challenge Dawkins to a discussion before the public
What Darwinists claimed, what happened What Darwinists said, what happened then
What will Dawkins have to say to this? Londoners say 'we support creation' Why are Darwinists reluctant to confront Mr. Adnan Oktar?
Why are Darwinists so determined to humiliate themselves? Why are Darwinists still resorting to false Dino-bird myths?
Why do Darwinists not give up? Why do defenders of creation who say the earth is 4.5 billion years old disturb Darwinists so much?
Why is anti-Darwinist activity so important? Why is National Geographic magazine so unhappy at the exposure of Ardi?
Yet another blow to the myth of vestigial organs
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